July 22, 2024

Celebrating World Brain Day

Emphasizing Brain Health on World Brain Day

At Point Pressure, we recognize the importance of brain health, especially as we join the global community in celebrating World Brain Day. This day is dedicated to raising awareness about neurological disorders and the importance of brain health, and it deeply resonates with our mission to enhance the quality of life for individuals affected by central nervous system (CNS) injuries. 

The Significance of World Brain Day

World Brain Day was established by the World Federation of Neurology (WFN) in order to emphasize the importance of brain health and neurological research. Each year, the organization creates a theme which emphasizes a specific aspect of neurological disorders. This year’s World Brain Day titled, ‘Brain Health and Disability: Leave No One Behind,’ aims to raise awareness about brain health as it relates to the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation for brain disabilities.  

Our Commitment to Neurological Health

At Point Pressure, we understand the challenges that individuals with neurological conditions face. It is our goal to help contribute to WFN’s mission in ‘leaving no one behind,’ which is why we have created our device to help improve mobility in its users. Beyond not leaving anyone behind, we want to push those struggling with CNS injuries forward. We are inspired by our users’ undying commitment to leading a life full of experiences, activity, freedom and happiness. It is our responsibility as a community to support them and help them in the process.  

Join Us in Raising Awareness

We invite you to join us in raising awareness about the importance of brain health and the need for continued research and innovation in neurological care. By working together, we can make a difference in the lives of millions of people worldwide who are affected by neurological disorders. 

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We are Point Pressure, a company offering a medical device aimed at patients with movement disorders following central nervous system injuries.

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World Brain Day 

At Point Pressure, we recognize the importance of brain health, especially as we join the global community in celebrating World Brain Day.

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